Step 4: Chapters & Manuscript

Step 4: Chapters & Manuscript

Ready to upload your manuscript? Great! Use the links below to upload your file(s).

• Use STEP 4 if your manuscript is saved as one document.
• Use STEP 5 if your chapters are saved as individual files.


If your manuscript is saved as one document, upload it here as a Word file (*.doxc).


If your manuscript is saved as individual chapters, upload each chapter here as a Word file (*.doxc).

If you are uploading revised chapters, please rename chapter files with the same number as the chapter it is replacing.

• CHAPTER 1.docx
• CHAPTER 2.docx
• CHAPTER 3.docx

Chapters do not have to be uploaded in order as long as they are named correctly. If you wish to move chapters around, that can be done later in the process.